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Bellingham's mobile sports Physical Therapist

Citius, Altius, Fortius
The Olympic motto encompasses my desire
to help clients achieve results;
Faster, Higher, Stronger

What do we do at BioKinetic PT?

Image by Joel & Jasmin Førestbird

At BioKinetic PT, I specialize in treating athletes of all kinds and ages. I have extensive experience with most patient populations, including:

  • High school & professional athletes in many sports including:

    • NFL players, professional dancers, & pro MMA fighters

  • I also treat many casual or "weekend warrior

    • Runners, cyclists, triathletes

    • Gymnasts, divers, & dancers

  • I enjoy collaborating with patients, doctors, and other providers after surgery


I provide mobile or telehealth visits depending on your needs. I also specialize in consulting for navigating the complexities of doctors, conditions, and treatment options. To find out more,                          or head over to the services page and see how I can help.


Whether it's PT in you in your home, on the track, or wherever you are most comfortable, my focus is on helping you achieve your goals. Not the goals of an insurance company.


Please reach out if you have any questions!

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